


※「done = 過去分詞」「do = 原形」ということです。




If S had done ..., 「もし(過去のあの時)...だったら」

S would have done ... 「(過去のあの時)...だっただろう」

could have done「~できただろう」、might have done「~だったかもしれない」


If I had taken the subway, I would have arrived on time.


If I hadn't had a cold, I could have joined the party.


If Honda had played in the game, we might have won.



If S had done ..., 「もし(過去のあの時)...だったら」

S would do ... 「(今)...だろう」

could do 「できるだろう」、might do「するかもしれない」


If I had seen the doctor, I would be alright now.



Had S done ... と倒置されても意味は同じ。

● Had I seen the doctor = If I had seen the doctor

● Had I taken the subway = If I had taken the subway

● Had Honda played in the game = If Honda had played in the game