


早稲田政経 2010 大問II

It's generally assumed that the entrance of women into the workforce is responsible for the collapse of home cooking, but that turns out to be only part of the story. Yes, women with jobs outside the home spend less time cooking―but so do …

早稲田政経 2010 大問I

When cars run on electric power they not only save fuel and cut emissions but also run more quietly. Ordinarily, people might welcome quieter cars on the roads. However, as the use of hybrid and electric vehicles grows, a new concern is gr…

早稲田国際教養 2010 II

Imagine watching a train go by. You are looking for one face in the window. Car after car passes. If you become distracted or inattentive, you risk missing the person. Or, if the train picks up too much speed, the faces begin to blur and y…

早稲田国際教養 2010 I

In the sixteenth century, coffee came to enjoy considerable influence on a number of spheres of urban life in the Middle East, in the economic sphere, production of and trade in coffee helped breathe life into many areas that only shortly …

早稲田文化構想 2016 I (B)

One characteristic of the Renaissance was a new expression of wealth, and the related consumption of luxury goods. The belief in the flowering of the spirit of the Renaissance is strangely at odds with the general belief that the 14th and …